Youth-friendly Greece

Positions > Youth-friendly Greece

It is our obligation as a generation to deliver a country friendly to young people; it is our obligation to deliver a country not better than the one we grew up in, at least in the same situation, a country that allows and fosters progress and creation.

This year’s announcements made by the Prime Minister at the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair are sending out a warning signal about the current harsh economic climate and the insecurity that grips society at the current juncture, in this particular context and situation. The war in Ukraine and its consequences have not only affected consumer confidence but also pose great risks to social cohesion, as winter, which is going to be quite harsh, is approaching.

Some of the issues concerning the measures that were announced by the Prime Minister require coordinated responses and actions as well as unity at pan-European level in order to help the EU members cope with both the resolution of the energy issue and the ongoing inflationary trends that diminish the quality of life of the citizens and they cut citizens’ purchasing power.

Those who worry even more about these issues are young people. Two important socio-economic problems have been added to the issue of the obsolescence of the current education system and that of the distress regarding employment and placement opportunities for young people.

The first one is about the inability to find decent housing let at a reasonable rent, especially in Athens as well as in other big cities. The initiatives and the actions that were announced by the Prime Minister in this direction, especially those providing incentives to make closed houses available again for long-term lease, will restore balance to the current situation. In addition, the ability to borrow money will serve as a catalyst for the resolution of this issue.

The second one is about the demographic issue being identified as an overarching priority and challenge for the Government over the next four years. Over the past five years, the Association of Chief Executive Officers (ACEO) has quite often identified the acute demographic problem of the country as an inhibiting factor for its development and competitiveness. For today’s young people, it is important to ensure the right to parenthood through the appropriate institutional framework.

The Association of Chief Executive Officers (ACEO) believes in a youth-friendly country, in a country that is in favour of innovative ideas After the signing of the Memorandum for the support of “Elevate Greece”, an important debate on the strategic importance of the innovation ecosystem for the country has been launched through the organisation of an event that was a forum to debate on the future of start-ups in Greece.

For us, the startup ecosystem is extremely important for both the entrepreneurship and the future of the country. With a close eye on the next day and with a view to the future of Greece, a dialogue between all market players and all the production entities in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the Greek economy and accelerate the digital transformation.

It is our obligation as a generation to deliver a country friendly to young people; it is our obligation to deliver a country not better than the one we grew up in, at least in the same situation, a country that allows and fosters progress and creation.

Let’s give the colors and the brushes to the young people and I am sure that, as they are better version of us, they are going to “paint” a better world.









