Task Forces

About us > Task Forces

1. Institutional Role


The establishment of the ACEO as one of the main thought leaders of the business ecosystem and the ease of doing business for its members.

Outlined Major Initiatives ahead:

  • Increase and strengthen the cooperation with the public sector.
  • Select key ministries and assign a competent member.
  • Elaboration and presentation of proposals for legislative intervention.
  • Proposals to the public sector authorities concerning new public projects.
  • Highlighting of future trends as well as new skills that will be needed. Contribution to the preparation of the state.
  • Collaboration with relevant bodies in Greece and abroad.
  • Implementation of existing MoUs and signing of new ones.
  • Coaching / Mentoring addressed to all the public sector bodies and to the relevant institutions on entrepreneurship.
  • Implementation of a flexible contribution mechanism by all the ACEO members concerned.


S. Exarchos, J. Anastassopoulos, L. Anastassakis

2. ACEO Enlargement


  • The enlargement of the ACEO in terms of membership, especially in sectors of the economy that are not adequately represented today, such as the manufacturing industry, the top 100 companies and others.
  • In addition, the retention of existing members as well as the regain of members. The redesign of the admission criteria and the inclusion of prominent figures and innovation hubs.
  • The attraction and the involvement of executives from the countryside and abroad.

Outlined Major Initiatives ahead:

  • As-is process mapping with the assistance of expert members, such as ICAP.
  • Research on members and target members.
  • Redesign of material, selling story and approach method.
  • Membership recruitment campaigns and event use.
  • Membership recruitment campaigns and event use and outreach.
  • Onboarding activities for new members.
  • Board engagement in the different actions.
  • Potential quick wins. 


A. Tryfon, A. Alivizatos

3. The Happenings HUB


Through the broader institutional role of the ACEO, the scope is to strengthen the ties between the Members by developing educational, cultural and sporting activities aiming at their constantly increasing participation and satisfaction.

Through Exclusive & Unique Happenings for members and their families (partners, children), having as main pillars the 360°Well Being, Business and Social Networking as well as benefits.

Outlined Major Initiatives ahead:

Sports, Culture, Events

  • Sports (basketball, tennis, sailing, rowing, etc.).
  • Events (wine tasting, cooking, music, parties etc.).
  • Visit entrepreneurs, businesses, ambassadors etc.
  • Trips, excursions, museums, exclusive tours.
  • Theatre, movies, premiers, meet the artists.
  • Bonding teams (dancing, singing, etc.).
  • Do good! (beach cleaning, planting trees etc.).
  • Charity events.


E. Kallona, S. Nestoras

4. Leadership Pathways


The team will address every aspect of modern leadership in the present and the future in order to create an environment that promotes constant growth, progress and innovation.

Outlined Major Initiatives ahead:

  • Organisation of Leadership shots / Espressos Presentations / Workshops / Interactive Lectures / One Day Conferences / Evening Events / Seminars with either physical attendance or online focused on actions related to modern methods of leadership, human resource management, strategic planning, etc. that will be done in cooperation with specialized institutions taking into account the developments in the modern environment..  
  • Leadership Models / Presentations of successful leaders of Large Organizations / The Leader’s Path.  
  • Organisation of events on current issues that the Leader/ the CEO / the C-suite deals with, focusing on his/her challenges as a natural person, on his/ her responsibilities / career / on his / her agenda in an era of transition.
  • Leadership Think Tanks.


N. Economopoulou, D. Papasotiriou

5. Leadership and Digital Transformation


Actions and synergy with both public and private sector entities aiming at strengthening and promoting entrepreneurship in Greece, placing an emphasis on young people, on innovation and technology, especially on how its adoption can transform businesses.

Outlined Major Initiatives ahead:

  • Voluntary – Advisory contribution provided by our members to reliable institutions that promote entrepreneurship among young people such as high schools and upper secondary education schools, universities (THINK BIZ), large financial groups (Project Future | Piraeus Bank & Regeneration) etc.
  • Contact and knowledge for our members about processes across the entrepreneurship ecosystem (start-ups, scale up/accelerators, venture corporate, big national projects)
  • Linkage with initiatives and assistance providing our expertise to public sector bodies such as the Ministry of Development (innovation parks, laws to facilitate entrepreneurship), the Ministry of Education (introduction of entrepreneurship in schools), but also to private sector bodies such as Innovative Greece, Endeavour etc.
  • Compilation of best practices and examples of digital transformations in companies of all industries worldwide and provision of information to members through webinars, white papers and short presentations.
  • The ACEO is transforming itself: By adopting tools and processes that can gradually, starting with small and quick wins, transform the ACEO into the modern and flexible organisation that its members require.
  • Starting from the membership base already established in the new CRM, this will be further enriched and limited access will be given to specific groups such as start-ups or other organisations aiming at networking between members and strengthening entrepreneurship in general.


G. Katiniotis, A. Alivizatos 

6. ESG in Action


Take initiatives and actions aimed at promoting ESG practices and empowering ACEO members in adopting them. The main pillars of the group’s action are as follows: a) the social pillar, mainly on issues concerning labour practices, equal opportunities and the management of employee development by companies and b) the corporate governance pillar, highlighting its importance, its association with issues such as attracting new talent and the need to adapt (how it affects companies).

Outlined Major Initiatives ahead

  • Mapping of the current situation (desk research from existing research) and/or ESG mapping of the ACEO (survey among the members of the ACEO)..
  • Organising seminars and training events in order to raise awareness of ESG practices and their benefits.
  • Creation of informative/training material and creation of tools aiming at supporting the ACEO members in the implementation of ESG practices – the cooperation with companies specialised in these issues..
  • Promotion of dialogue and knowledge exchange between companies (ACEO members and non-members) on ESG practices – sharing best practices.
  • Participation in initiatives that promote the implementation of ESG practices – cooperation with other stakeholders.


V. Tsami,  D. Papasotiriou

ACEO’s Task Forces full presentation: ΕΑΣΕ Task Forces_2024-2027_EN









