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2021 Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting
On Wednesday, February 24, 2021, the Association of Chief Executive Officers (ACEO) held its Annual General Meeting at the OTEAcademy auditorium, a hybrid general meeting for the first time due to the pandemic, where the Minister of Finance, Mr. Christos Staikouras, was the guest speaker with a large participation of members.Chairman of the General Meeting was Mr. . Lefteris Anastasakis, Vice President in PRIORITY Quality Consultants, . Secretary of the General Meeting was Ms. Efi Papadogianni, Managing Director & VP at KONE Hellas and the role of the registrars at the General Meeting had Mr. Dionisis Boudouvas, Managing Director at COMBATT SA, and Mr. Konstantinos Moraitakis, Chairman & CEO at UNISON FACILITY SERVICES Hellas, who supervised the digital electoral process.
The Chairman of the Association Mr. Vassilis Rabbat, presented the activities of the Association for 2020, while the Treasurer, John Kolovos,Managing Director at EDENRED HELLAS, made the Management Report and presented the Annual Balance Sheet 2020, which were unanimously approved by the General Meeting exonerating the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee from any responsibility. Then, the 2021 Action Plan was presented, which foresees initiatives for the support and development of entrepreneurship, the creation of value for the ACEO members as well as the contribution to society as a whole.
The General Meeting unanimously approved the Action Program and the Budget for 2021, while Ms. Valeria TsamisManaging Director at FOCUS BARI SA, presented the findings of the research that was carried out by the Association. The General Meeting appointed Mr. Angelos Mochloulis, General Manager APAC, PIERALISI MAIP S.p.A., Mr. Dimitris Papanikitopoulos,President of LINKAGE GREECE & CYPRUS, and Mr. Kanellos Tsoumbos,General Manager at MODULE Facility Management,
During the work of the General Meeting, the new Board of Directors was elected by the ACEO members for the three-year period 2021-2023. The new Board of Directors has been formed as follows:
Chairman: Vassilis Rabbat, Chairman & Managing Director at XEROX HELLAS
Vice Chairman: Marios Mikaits, General Manager at ELIN TECHNICAL SA
General Secretary: Yannis Papachristou, CEO of the Group CHIPITA SA
Treasurer: John Kolovos, Managing Director at EDENRED HELLAS
Board Members: Valeria Tsami, Managing Director at FOCUS BARI SA, Dorina Economopoulou, General Manager of MARSH GREECE INSURANCE BROKERS, George Katiniotis, CEO at MYRMEX Inc
Alternate Board Members: Akis Staikopoulos, Managing Director at IFCO Systems Hellas, Alexandros Alivizatos, General Manager at REDEX SA, Panagiotis Zikos, Chairman & Managing Director at OTIS HELLAS & CYPRUS, Annie Tryfon, Vice Chairman & CEO at DESIGNIA INSURANCE BROKERS.